How the Aleo Community Paved the Road to Mainnet

Dmytriiev Petro
5 min readAug 27, 2024


The Aleo community has rallied around a shared vision: a more secure and private internet. At the heart of this vision lies a zero-knowledge network that prioritizes privacy by default, offering a new standard for online interactions. This journey toward a more secure web began with the launch of Aleo Testnet 1 in 2020 and has been marked by groundbreaking achievements, community engagement, and significant milestones.

The Beginnings: Aleo Testnet 1

Aleo Systems was founded in December 2019 by Howard Wu, Michael Beller, Collin Chin, and Raymond Chu, with a mission to create the first platform for fully private applications. By June 2020, Aleo released its developer preview, including Aleo Studio and the Leo v1 coding language, followed by the launch of Testnet 1. This was a significant step, bringing the concepts of zero-knowledge cryptography into practical application for blockchain developers.

A Landmark Event: The Aleo Setup Ceremony

August 2021 saw the Aleo Setup Ceremony, a historic event in the blockchain world. This multiparty computation (MPC) was inspired by Zcash’s Powers of Tau and became the largest setup of its kind. With over 2,200 participants globally, the ceremony secured Aleo’s foundational zkSNARKs, setting the stage for decentralized private computation. This setup was crucial in ensuring a secure and robust network for the future.

Pushing Boundaries: Testnet 2

Testnet 2, launched between 2021 and 2022, further pushed the limits of what Aleo could achieve. Provers ran over 10,000 nodes, producing millions of zero-knowledge proofs — an unprecedented feat in the blockchain space. This testnet not only validated Aleo’s technical architecture but also its crypto-economic design. Throughout this phase, miners and provers were rewarded with 15 million Aleo Credits, and critical consensus issues were addressed, including a shift from vanilla Nakamoto Consensus to ASERT. This phase also saw the introduction of multiple mining pools, ensuring a more distributed and accountable network.

Incentives and Community Growth

The Testnet 2 Incentives Program, launched in January 2022, rewarded active mining nodes and developers, further incentivizing community participation. This program distributed rewards to the top miners, GitHub contributors, and beta testers, strengthening Aleo’s ecosystem.

Testnet 3, which spanned 2022 to 2023, introduced AleoBFT, a new consensus algorithm combining proof-of-stake with work-based compensation. This testnet also saw the introduction of the Deploy & Execute feature, allowing developers to deploy zero-knowledge programs that users could interact with. The Prover Incentives Program and Deploy Incentives Program, launched in January and August 2023 respectively, continued to encourage community participation, resulting in over 1,000 program submissions and 44,000 provers connecting to the network.

Expanding Horizons: Events and Community Engagement

Beyond testnets, Aleo has launched several programs to drive community engagement and technological advancements. The Aleo Ambassador Program, established in 2022, has grown to include over 415 ambassadors who contribute high-quality content and promote Aleo’s mission. The ZPrize competition, launched the same year, has become a major event in the blockchain space, driving improvements in cryptographic algorithms and increasing awareness of zero-knowledge technology.

Aleo’s commitment to innovation continued with the zkML program in May 2023, integrating machine learning with zero-knowledge proofs. The Enigma series, launched in December 2023, brought together leading minds in ZK technology to solve complex puzzles, further advancing the field.

Preparing for Mainnet

As Aleo prepares for its mainnet launch in 2024, it has taken significant precautions to ensure the network’s security and robustness. Multiple security audits were conducted by leading firms such as Trail of Bits, NCC Group, and zkSecurity, and the findings have been incorporated into Aleo’s final preparations for mainnet.

The Aleo Network Foundation, launched in December 2023, will guide and support Aleo’s transition to a fully decentralized, open-source network. This foundation will play a crucial role in developer education, grants, and product incubation, ensuring a thriving ecosystem post-mainnet launch.

What’s Next for Aleo

The Aleo community’s collective effort over the past five years has been nothing short of extraordinary. As Aleo moves closer to its mainnet launch, the contributions of developers, miners, provers, and ambassadors will continue to shape the future of the network and the broader blockchain ecosystem.

Aleo’s testnets and incentive programs have laid a strong foundation for a secure and private zero-knowledge network. As we enter this new phase, the community’s involvement remains vital in driving Aleo’s mission forward. The mainnet launch is not just the culmination of years of hard work — it’s the beginning of a new chapter for Aleo and the future of the internet.

Continue Learning

To learn more about building, deploying, and launching applications on Aleo, explore our comprehensive resources and join the growing community committed to a more secure and private web.

